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Algebra Unit 3-8

3-8 Literal Equations

3-8 Literal Equations student notes

Algebra Unit 3-9

3-9 Mixture Equations

3-9 Mixture Equations

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Algebra Unit 2-4 A

2-4A Algebraic Properties

2-4A Algebraic Properties student notes

Algebra Unit 2-5

2-5 Distributive Property

2-5 Distributive Property student notes


Algebra Unit 2-1

2-1 Integers and Rational Numbers

2-1 Integers and Rational Numbers student notes


Algebra Unit 1-4

1-4 Write Equations and Inequalities student notes

1-4 Write Equations and Inequalities student notes

3-10 Distance Word Problems

6-4 Compound Inequalities

5-6 Point Slope Word Problems