Online Summer Number Sense, General Math, and Calculator Application and MATHCOUNTS Classes
Back by popular demand this summer, Anthony Gillespey the founder of MathNinja.Org and coach of the State 5A TMSCA Number Sense, Calculator, and General Math Champions will be hosting weekly online summer classes for all 3 TMSCA/ UIL/ PSIA Math Events and MATHCOUNTS. The classes sizes will be kept small so make sure you sign up early. The cost per class is $150.00 but a $25.00 discount per class will be given for the 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th class. All classes will be taught live and you will be given a video of each days lesson in case you cannot make the live class. All classes will be via the internet. All that is required is a computer, tablet, or phone with internet access and microphone.
Sign Up Today at
Email me for more information [email protected]
Sign up for 3 or more classes and save $25.00 per class after the first two.
Number Sense Level 2
June 16 to June 20
9am to 10:30 am CST
Calculator Application Level 1
June 9 to June 13
11:00 am to 12:30pm CST
Calculator Application Level 2
June 16 to June 20
11:00 am to 12:30pm CST
General Math All Levels
June 23 to June 27
9:00 am to 10:30 am CST
June 23 to June 27
11:00 am to 12:30pm CST
If you enroll in 3 or more classes there is a $25.00 discount per class after the first two
Class Descriptions
Number Sense Level 1
Who: For 5th and 6th grader or those new to Number Sense. If you are scoring below a 150 on Number Sense tests this is the class for you.
What : Basic number sense tricks ( typically the first two columns of the test) , along with test taking strategies, and rules of the test. This is a great overview for new coaches.
Materials Needed: None, although purchasing my book Number Sense Workbook and Video Series is encouraged.
Number Sense Level 2
Who: For returning 6th, 7th, and 8th graders scoring above 100 on Number Sense tests or any students that has previously enrolled the Number Sense Level 1.
What: Advanced Number Sense Tricks (typically the last two columns) and advance forms of the basic tricks. It will be assumed that you know the foundations of Number Sense in this class. This is a great class for Coaches that would like to help their team get more competitive.
Materials Needed: None, although purchasing my book Number Sense Workbook and Video Series is encouraged.
Calculator Application Level 1
Who: Any student new to Calculator Application Tests or those not familiar with a HP 35S calculator. This is a great overview for new coaches to the contest.
What: The basics of the HP 35s calculator and HP Prime, learning correct key presses for ALL number problems on the test, the rules, and test taking strategies. The basic word problems and formulas on the test will also be taught.
Materials Needed : Purchase a HP 35s Calculator or HP Prime
Calculator Application Level 2
Who: Students that are already familiar with the HP 35s or HP Prime calculator or any student that has previously enrolled in Calculator Level 1 class.
What: A thorough overview of the Word problems and picture problems on TMSCA Calculator Tests. Along with tips and tricks to increase your speed.
Materials Needed: Purchase a HP 35s Calculator Or HP Prime . It is also highly encouraged to purchase a TI Nspire calculator.
General Math All Levels
Who: Anyone with basic understanding of Algebra and Geometry
Materials Needed : None
MathCounts All Levels
Who: Anyone with basic understanding of Algebra and Geometry
What: The Focus of the class will be on most important skills you need in order to become successful in MathCounts. We will cover Combinations, Permutations, Counting Principals, Number Theory, Advanced Geometry, and Advanced Algebra.
Here are some comments from those that took the class in the past.
-I am a relatively new coach to a TMSCA team for Number Sense, General Math, and Calculator. Taking the Number Sense classes 1 and 2 and General Math was a great experience! Anthony did a great job of clearly explaining, breaking down how concepts were related and gave really smart ways to apply math based reasoning to some interesting and complex math problems. These classes have helped my confidence in tackling math problems that I, quite frankly, don’t really remember anymore! Having the videos available to refer back to during the year will be a great resource for me as well. I think these courses were a great investment for me as a coach and I would highly recommend the classes to others!
-Like every other human being, we always have a second thought when it comes to a decision. To be honest, after taking part in the sessions online, it was really worth it. This class packs a punch; Mr. Gillespey thoroughly answers questions and takes the time teaching some valuable tricks. Unlike some online discussions, where one may feel isolated, as the only companion may be his or her own computer, Mr. Gillespey’s class brings liveliness into the “air”. His good-natured humor and the immense amount of patience he has makes him extremely entertaining as a teacher, winning the majority of us with his likable personality. Not only does he actually have the passion to teach students, but it actually makes me wish that I had a better math team teacher. Mr. Gillespey engages students in learning new skills with new materials, turning classes into an experience that, like I said, is worth it.
-I am a math coach still learning the ropes of TMSCA and all that it involves. I took the Number Sense Level 1 and 2 courses, as well as the General Math course to gain a better understanding of what my students need to be successful. Anthony took extra time with me being a coach to make sure that my questions were answered. He gave personal tips that he uses with his team that you won’t learn anywhere else. I highly recommend taking these classes if you want to take your team to the next level. I’m excited to implement what I learned in the upcoming school year.
Thank you Anthony for taking the time out of your summer to provide these great learning opportunities.
-This was a great experience and I thoroughly enjoyed it! Thank you so much for all of the information you shared. I can’t wait to get back to my team and share with them the different strategies I learned from your course.
-Classes were great I learned many new things and tricks that will help me get better and faster. THANK YOU!
Spring Break Online Advanced Number Sense Class March 12th through 14th
Anthony Gillespey the founder of MathNinja.Org and coach of the State 5A TMSCA Number Sense, Calculator, and General Math Champions will be hosting 3 day online Spring Break Advanced Number Sense Class covering the materials in his newest book Advanced Number Sense Volume 3. All students and Coaches are welcome. Please note that this class is advanced and is good for both advanced middle schoolers or high schoolers. All classes will be via internet. If you are unable to attend the camp, I will be recording the class each day and sending you a copy of the video. Even if you can’t make the class that day you will still get the learning. All that is required is a computer, tablet, or phone with internet access and a microphone.
This class will be a fast-paced format where I will try and cover as many of the tricks that are appearing on TMSCA tests the last 4 years.
The Class will be at 10 am to 12 pm CST each day starting March 12th through March 14th.
I guarantee that you will learn many new tips and tricks to improve your scores.
Sign Up Today at
Email me for more information [email protected]
Back by popular demand this December, Anthony Gillespey the founder of MathNinja.Org and coach of the highest scoring state championship TMSCA Number Sense Team will be hosting 3-day online Winter Break Advanced Number Sense Class. The class sizes will be kept small so make sure you sign up early. Once the class is full, I will not be letting anyone else attend, last year we had a full class so purchase early. I typically charge $40.00 an hour for tutoring so this is a great bargain for 6 hours of classes for $150.00. All classes will be via internet. If you are unable to attend the camp. I will be recording the class each day and sending you a copy of the video. So even if you can’t make the class that day you will still get the learning. All that is required is a computer, tablet, or phone with internet access with a microphone. I would also recommend that you purchase the Advanced Number Sense Volume 2 book (Blue book) as we will be using this extensively.
This class will be a fast-paced format where I will try and cover as many of the newer tricks that are appearing on TMSCA tests the last 4 years.
The Class will be at 10am to 12pm CST each day starting Dec 30th through Jan 1st.
I guarantee that you will learn many new tips and tricks to improve your scores.
Well everyone its been many years in the making but the new Number Sense book is now for presale.
Click here to purchase
[wp_cart_button name=”Advanced Number Sense Workbook Volume 2″ price=”25.00″] [show_wp_shopping_cart]
If you would like to purchase multiple books please email me at [email protected]
Here is a quick excerpt of the table of contents for the book. This book was written specifically for all the new tricks we have seen on the TMSCA test in the last 4 years. I guarantee you will find many tricks that you haven’t seen before.
Congratulations to my amazing team at Flour Bluff. You all have an immense amount of pressure on you each year to keep our win streak alive. We know how hard you guys worked and it showed at state. You guys winning nearly 40% of all the top 10’s in 7th and 8th grade math events and every member of the math team placing in the top 15 in Calculator was awesome. I couldn’t be prouder of you all. Way to go Hornets!!!5A_team_ms5a_8th_ms5a_7th_ms5a_6th_ms
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