Advanced Number Sense Workbook Volume 2 is now for sale!!!!

Well everyone its been many years in the making but the new Number Sense book is now for presale.

Click here to purchase

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If you would like to purchase multiple books please email me at [email protected]

Here is a quick excerpt of the table of contents for the book. This book was written specifically for all the new tricks we have seen on the TMSCA test in the last 4 years. I guarantee you will find many tricks that you haven’t seen before.


    • Anonymus on July 6, 2019 at 12:51 pm

    Is there any material covered in number sense workbook volume one that is not covered in this workbook?

    1. This book has lots more new tricks. If I am using old material I am teaching it a new more efficient way.

    • Andrew on July 9, 2019 at 2:28 am


    I believe I discovered a mistake in your workbook on page 23, example 3. Shouldn’t it be 7^16 / 15 instead of 7^14 / 15?


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