Videos From Spring Break Advanced Number Sense Volume 3 Online Training




Spring Break Online Advanced Number Sense Class March 11th through 13th
Anthony Gillespey the founder of MathNinja.Org and coach of the State 5A TMSCA Number Sense, Calculator, and General Math Champions will be hosting 3 day online Spring Break Advanced Number Sense Class covering the materials in his newest book Advanced Number Sense Volume 3 (Please make sure to purchase the book). All students and Coaches are welcome. Please note that this class is advanced and is good for both advanced middle schoolers or high schoolers. All classes will be via internet. If you are unable to attend the camp, I will be recording the class each day and sending you a copy of the video. Even if you can’t make the class that day you will still get the learning. All that is required is a computer, tablet, or phone with internet access and a microphone.
This class will be a fast-paced format where I will try and cover as many of the tricks that are appearing on TMSCA tests the last 4 years.
The Class will be at 8:30am to 10:30am CST each day starting March 11th through March 13th.
I guarantee that you will learn many new tips and tricks to improve your scores.
Sign Up Today at
Email me for more information [email protected]

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