MathCounts Summer 2025 June 23rd through 27th




MathCounts All Levels

Who:  Anyone with basic understanding of Algebra and Geometry

What:  The Focus of the class will be on most important  skills you need in order to start to become successful in MathCounts.  We will cover Combinations, Permutations,  Counting Principals,   Number Theory,  Advanced Geometry, and Advanced Algebra.

Materials Needed :  None, although you are encourage to purchase Competition Math for Middle Schools (purchase on Amazon)


    • Rajesh on April 30, 2018 at 5:22 pm
    • Reply

    what are the timings and date for this class? What is the online teaching method being used?

    1. I will be using an online video chat software for the classes, I used it last summer and throughout the school year with lots of success. I will do a brief overview of the basics of MathCounts contest but I will spend a vast majority of time going over some of the best methods and techniques I have come across over the years. I try not to cover things that you can find anywhere on the web but unique and very outside the box ways of doing things. I try and find methods that can be applied with lots of problem situations.

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