What if there is a remainder?
Unlike your question about 16 2/3 these remainders are easy to calculate. 1 remainder will end in 125 , 2 = 250 3= 375 4 =500 so on so forth (just add another 125 for each step)
i recently learned the 25 trick so i multiply by 100 and 6400 and multiply 25 by 64 and get 1600 and add them.
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What if there is a remainder?
Unlike your question about 16 2/3 these remainders are easy to calculate. 1 remainder will end in 125 , 2 = 250 3= 375 4 =500 so on so forth (just add another 125 for each step)
i recently learned the 25 trick so i multiply by 100 and 6400 and multiply 25 by 64 and get 1600 and add them.