Multiplying both over 100


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    • SRM on January 13, 2016 at 10:01 pm
    • Reply

    The calculation for 1004 x 1002 is wrong. The answer is 1006008. When you multiply the units digits of two 4 digit numbers, then you should consider 0NM (NM is the product of the units digits of a number with unit digit M and another number with unit digit M).

    For ex: 1011 x 1008
    11 x 8 = 088 – will be the last 3 digits. Then add 8 with 1011, we get 1019. So the answer is: 1019088.

    Please correct this.
    Nevertheless, I enjoy your videos and I learn a lot from these lectures. I am a 4th grade student from Houston. If possible, could you upload some model number question papers (past question papers from TMSCA or UIL would be good).


    1. Thanks I’ve fixed it. Unfortunately test are copyrighted by Tmsca. But I’m sure your coach has plenty.

      • Parzival on June 5, 2018 at 2:07 am
      • Reply

      If you participate in TMSCA contests, they give you blank versions of the contest you take. You could always use those.

    • Parzival on June 5, 2018 at 2:23 am
    • Reply

    If you participate in TMSCA contests, they give you blank versions of the contest you take. You could always use those.

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